Thursday, 18 August 2011

The 'Somethings'

Last night was my fiance's mother's birthday so we took some cake over to her house to celebrate. After the birthday festivites, she wanted to talk wedding stuff. Down to business! We covered a few topics when we came to the question of whether I would be including the items from the poem.

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed,
Something Blue and a Silver Sixpence in Her Shoe.

I stated that I would be happy to include them if they developed naturally but that I was not going out of my way to hunt these things down. I felt that you can't really force the sentiment and I would not be upset if they were absent from our wedding. Incidently, here is a fun link that tells about what each is meant to represent

Well she had a little something up her sleeve, she told me had recently found some hankerchiefs that belonged to her mother and that I was welcome to have as many as I wanted. They could be the something old.

Well it was a good thing that these delicate little cloths are meant for wiping liquid emotion from the face because I was very touched by her generosity. She then proceed to offer her own silver bracelets given on her 21st birthday as a something borrowed. And in her most considerate way, made me feel honoured but not pressured to accept these items. I am truly happy to be joining this family.

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