Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Happy Birfday

 I recently celebrated my birthday by hitching a ride with my mom, sister and super cute niece to visit a dear friend who has moved away to another city. I had a great time visiting with her and we got a lot of catching up done. I rambled on about married life, basement renos and future bambinos (shhh, that last one isn't info ready for our families just yet). She told me about her life in the new city and the struggles she is having. We reflected on the fact that we are now into our early thirties and how things are so much  different than we imagined.

Here is what I thought my thirties would be like when I was 22:
1) I would be married to a great guy... Check
2) I would own a house....Check
3) That house would be nicely finished and beautifully decorated..... ummm, not so much
4) I would have at least one child...hmmm, working thinking on that one still
5) I would have a great job... Check

That is as far as I got in my planning when I was 22, I guess I am not doing too badly, but isn't it funny how things and priorities change as you enter the real grown up world.

These things are never more present in my thoughts as we are contemplating a move back in with my mother. Some how it feels like a huge step back to own a house but be living with you mom at 32 years old! Sigh, but at least we have a lot of other things going for us I am really not complaining.
I wonder, did anyone end up where they thought they would be at a younger age?

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